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On the Run


on the run

by Danita High


“Can we all sit at the table and eat together tonight, Momma?”

I looked down into the big, blue eyes of my five-year-old daughter and experienced a twinge of guilt. Like most families today, our family is always on the run. Some days, we meet each other coming and going out the front door. Dinner usually finds the kids at the kitchen bar, my husband eating on the go, and me grabbing a bite while cleaning up the kitchen to save a few extra minutes. We blame it on the excuse, “Life is too busy.”

Life is busy, but busyness is no excuse for missing irreplaceable moments with those we hold closest to our hearts. As believers, we are quick to acknowledge the family is under attack. Yet many times, the attack comes as a direct result of our own misplaced priorities or lack of quality time together. Often, both parents work outside the home. We spend free time at church activities, sporting events, school functions, and the list continues. We grab a meal at a drive-through and eat in the car. In today’s busy culture, we must make a deliberate effort to create opportunities for quality time.

WNAC (Women Nationally Active for Christ) and Master’s Men understand the importance of dedicated family time. We understand the challenges and difficulties facing families today. (I’ve already given you a glimpse into my busy home.) We understand, and we’re devoted to serving moms and dads, offering home and parenting resources, Bible studies, and network support for today’s family.

Does your church currently have an active WAC or Master’s Men group? Are you interested in hearing more about what we have to offer? We’d love to share our vision for these ministries with your family and church.

By the way, my family and I did sit together at the table that evening, and we enjoyed a marvelous dinner. We laughed, talked, and lingered there. I listened eagerly as my daughter and son shared interesting facts about their day. I realized that I never would have heard those stories if we had eaten on the run. I was saddened to think how many stories I’ve missed because I was just too busy to listen. Some things are worth slowing down for. Your family is one of them!


About the Writer: Danita High has been executive secretary of Women Nationally Active for Christ since July 2008. She and her family live in Antioch, TN.



©2009 ONE Magazine, National Association of Free Will Baptists