June-July 2016
Hidden Heroes

brown on green, A Regular column about finances
Be Like David!
In the opening verses of
1 Chronicles 22, we find
an account of David’s
preparations for the Temple
Solomon would build. The
writer lists dressed stone, iron
for nails, bronze, and cedar timbers. The passage concludes by saying David
provided materials in great quantity.
A few chapters later, in 1 Chronicles 28, we learn he even helped design the plans for the temple. While God did not allow David himself to build the temple, David did everything possible to make sure Solomon would have the necessary materials. David wanted to do all he could to help the next generation be successful. This is a reminder to us that we will get to the point in life where our personal future is short. However, each of us has a responsibility to the next generation of Free Will Baptists to help make them be even more successful in God’s work.
Through the Foundation, laymen and women have an opportunity to be a vital part of all Free Will Baptist ministries as they provide gifts that fund the spread of the gospel around the world. The work of these ministries simply would not be possible if the laity did not provide the support.
Tithes and offerings are vital to keep current ministry going, but we must think about giving another way. Every Free Will Baptist should consider tithing on his or her estate. Free Will Baptist Foundation can help make this a reality. A planned gift can be used to set up an estate tithe. Setting aside an amount equal to 10% in a planned gift has the added benefit of providing lifetime income. A charitable tax deduction is generated along with tax-advantaged, or in some cases, tax-free income.
Another way to tithe on your estate is to set up a Free Will Baptist estate plan through the Foundation and our partner Cornerstone Estate Planning. We generally have given individuals opportunities to set up an estate plan after presenting an estate-planning seminar in their local church. With field representatives assigned to several regions now, we can meet with individuals personally to set up an estate plan.
More than 1,100 Free Will Baptist families have created estate plans, and conservative estimates indicate that $12 million has been set aside in those estate plans for Free Will Baptist ministries. Why don’t you contact the Foundation and set up a plan to tithe on your estate? After all, don’t we all want to be like David, and do everything we can to help the next generation carry on the Lord’s work?
About the Writer: David Brown, CPA, became director of the Free Will Baptist Foundation in 2007. Send your questions to David at david@nafwb.org. To learn how the Foundation can help you become a more effective giver, call 877-336-7575.