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Leader Profile 47


January 2013

Learning the Ropes


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Jose Rodriguez


Leadership comes in all forms and sizes, but the results are the same. Leaders influence behavior and make a difference in people’s lives. Profiling leaders reveals a diverse combination of traits, but changing lives is a common theme.


Leader Profile


José Rodriguez

José Rodriguez traveled through Panama to reach Miami in December of 1986. At the time, he didn’t speak any English. José was born in Cuba and grew up without a church anywhere near him. He attended church only on special occasions during the first eight years of his life.

His mom was a Christ follower, but his dad was not. And it was his grandmother who introduced José to the gospel at a very young age. As early as age 15 or 16, José knew God wanted him to preach, but he resisted the calling. Instead, at age 19, José pursued freedom from his communist country. He came to America dreaming of studying something related to the medical field. God had other plans, and at age 21, José finally surrendered to the call to ministry and enrolled at Welch College (formerly FWBBC).

During his three-month stay in Panama, José met a young lady named Maday. He encountered her again at a Free Will Baptist church in Miami while preaching for Welch College. Today, José and and his wife Maday have a wonderful and growing relationship.

José returned from college in 1994 to plant Renacer Free Will Baptist Church in Miami. After leading the church for six years, he became pastor at the Ebenezer FWB Church (also in Miami) where Benito Rodriguez pastored for 37 years. He has been at Ebenezer for 11 years.

¡José, eres un gran líder!


Just the Facts About José


Describe your leadership style. At times aggressive and at others intrepid as I followed a long-standing pastor. I keep my own identity and prepare my heart not to be hurt by the smaller things that come my way.


What are the top three books you have ever read (other than the Bible)?

  • Classical Arminianism by Leroy Forlines

  • Nine Marks of a Healthy Church by Mark Dever

  • Systematic Theology by Leroy Forlines


What are you reading right now?

  • Ethics for a Brave New World by Feinberg and Feinberg

  • The Divine Commodity by Skye Jethani


What do people misunderstand about you? People do not understand when I wait before acting like hiring staff or implementing a program. I have learned to wait on God’s timing, but sometimes people are not as patient.


What is your biggest shortcoming in your leadership style? I would love to finish my education and get my doctorate. I have my BA from Welch College, Master of Arts in Biblical Studies from Trinity, and M.Div. equivalent from New Orleans Theological Seminary.


Tell me your kids’ names and a one-word descriptor for each.

  • Samuel (12) – intense

  • Daniel (10) – bold-hearted


What is your one indulgence? Going on cruises with my wife.


Paper or Plastic Questions

  • Mountains or Ocean? Mountains

  • Music or Talk Radio? Music

  • Coke or Pepsi? Coke

  • Email or Texting? Email

  • Mac or PC? PC

  • Socks or house shoes? Bare feet


Leader Profile is a regular feature of ONE Magazine. Learn more at


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