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one path


by Debbie Griffin

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THE JAPANESE SAY THERE ARE MANY PATHS UP MT. FUJI, but all lead to the top—in other words, many different religious paths exist, but they all lead to god.

We finish our tea and blueberry muffins and bow our heads for prayer before we begin Bible study. Today, four ladies, instead of the regular two, sit with me. We start at the beginning. “This is a Bible. It is divided into two major sections: the Old and New Testaments.” I explain how to locate Scripture by book name, chapter, and verse numbers.

The lesson focuses on who God is. We read from Romans 1, Luke 15, and finally, Acts 17—the passage where Paul tells the Athenians that God is not made by human hands. In fact, He made us. One of the new ladies remarks she had always felt there must be a God, Someone bigger than her. But she needed to “make up” the god she wanted. Now, for the first time, she understands that she didn’t need to “make” a god, because God already exists; He made her. Can you imagine what it is like to learn for the first time that God IS? Such knowledge is priceless!


Jesus is the only sacrifice for sin. The loving God who created us, gave us life, and provided everything we need to live and prosper was willing to sacrifice His own Son to atone for our sins. No other path to God exists. Yet millions blindly follow the treacherous paths they have been shown. Millions have never heard of the one, true way to God or the one path to God. I am privileged to have enjoyed a lifetime walking that path, but, I live in the midst of a people who have been taught any path will do. Many voices invite them down various paths. How can they know Jesus is the right path? Amazingly, the same God who loved sacrificially has given you and me the responsibility of sharing His love, no matter where we are in the world.

Debbie Griffin has spent 20 years telling the Japanese about the one path.







©2005 ONE Magazine, National Association of Free Will Baptists