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The Road Ahead


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My Prayer for Pastors

By Norma J. Goldman


Just a couple of weeks ago, during a Bible study on discipleship, one of the questions was, “Who has invested in you and helped you develop as a disciple of Jesus?”

My immediate response was to list the names of several pastors who made huge investments (whether they knew it or not) in my spiritual growth over the past six decades. Because my life’s work has taken me many places, I have had the privilege of being part of many wonderful churches and have grown to love and appreciate their ministers and staff.


Pray for Protection From the Enemy

My habit is to pray urgently and regularly for my own pastor, as well as others I have known and worked with over the years. First, I pray God’s protection over them and their families, because the intent of the evil one is to destroy their reputations, discourage them in ministry, tempt them to do less than God’s best, and to create havoc within the church family. No work is more important than the advance of God’s kingdom…and the evil one knows it!


Pray for Vision and Direction

Few church members have any idea how many demands (many unreasonable and counterproductive) are placed on the shoulders of their pastor. Wise is the church leadership that stands as a buffer between the pastor and anything that takes away from prayer, preparation, and preaching. When the pastor can focus on these fundamentals, he is in an optimum position to hear from God and to cast a vision for what God wants to accomplish in the congregation.

Many churches suffer from the lack of a clear vision and direction, a direct result of allowing less important tasks and responsibilities to devour his energy and focus. Without direction and vision, members are fuzzy or confused about their own roles in accomplishing Kingdom ministry and purpose. When the vision is clear and well articulated, members can see more readily how their specific gifts and training can be used to accomplish ministry goals that build up the body and the surrounding community. We must pray for clear vision and direction.


Pray for Boldness and Winsomeness

Next, I pray they would be faithful to the gospel, making much of Jesus, lifting His name high, and bold in the proclamation of the Word. I ask God to help them to be winsome in their preaching so people will be drawn to the gospel, and that nothing in their lives (or mine) would hinder anyone from receiving God’s truth.


Pray for Vision

My Nashville pastor of many years is blessed to have a strong group of laymen that protect his time so he can focus on the fundamentals—prayer, preparation, and preaching. God has blessed him with a clear vision for what God wants his congregation to do at home, in Tennessee, and around the world. The staff organizes its work and priorities to fit that vision and help members find their places of service within the vision. In that environment, I found deep joy and satisfaction in my personal growth and ministry, using my gifts more fully than ever before.


Pray for Passion for the Word

Many faithful pastors have fed my soul and spirit, and have encouraged me to develop a life-long passion for the Word; they have encouraged me to press on despite life’s setbacks. Now, well into this latter season of life, my appetite for His word is undiminished, my energy for ministry grows, and my gratitude for the contributions of these faithful pastors overflows to the glory of God.

Wouldn’t today be a good day to write a note of appreciation and gratitude to a faithful pastor, letting him know you are praying?

About the Writer: Former magazine editor Norma J. Goldman enjoys a successful writing career in her retirement from her home near Houston, Texas.


©2015 ONE Magazine, National Association of Free Will Baptists