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A Church Revitalization Success Story


I recently had the opportunity to ask Rev. Dale McCoy, pastor of the Glad Tidings FWB Church in Asheboro, North Carolina, about his experience with revitalization. Glad Tidings has seen a turnaround and is on a healthy pathway. Below is our discussion.

Ransom: Why did you get involved in church revitalization?

McCoy: When asked to consider the pastorate of Glad Tidings Church, I discovered the church was in crisis. Many people left the church after the previous pastor’s departure. Since the church was a product of North Carolina Home Missions, we approached them about the possibility of working with Glad Tidings in a revitalization effort.

Ransom: How long have you been at Glad Tidings?

McCoy: I just entered my fourth year. By April 2022, we hope to have completed the mission and returned the church to complete self-supporting status.

Ransom: What are two or three specific things you learned about church revitalization you think would
be helpful for other pastors to understand?

McCoy: First, it is important to know when a church needs revitalization. We sometimes wait until a church has declined to the extent of having little left to work with before revitalization is considered. Regardless of size, a church needs revitalization when it is more inward focused than outward focused. Second, accept the reality that revitalization is difficult. You must lead the church through change. Sometimes, that becomes very uncomfortable for everyone involved.

Ransom: What is the first step you would suggest pastors take if their church is struggling?

McCoy: I suggest pastors be unafraid to admit that the church, and perhaps themselves, need help. Then reach out to those available to help. Take advantages of resources Free Will Baptists offer through Refresh, including training for pastors, the ReKindle program, and Fresh Wind resources from North American Ministries. An outsider can be more objective in evaluating a church than those within.

Ransom: What have you learned about yourself through this process?

McCoy: Strong leadership is imperative. That leadership needs to be reproduced in the men of the church. Above all, I have learned asking for input from those more knowledgeable is a sign of strength, not weakness.

Ransom: What advice would you give a pastor struggling in his current ministry?

McCoy: Don’t lose heart! The church is promised victory. Simply recognize you can’t do this alone. Not only do you need the power of the Holy Spirit, you also need the power of fellow servants who want God’s best for you and your church.

About the Columnist: Dr. Brad Ransom is director of church planting and chief training officer for North American Ministries. Contact Brad:

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